Purpose Of Creation

QuoteTheAnime is a website that was created to create creative, curated content that motivates individuals. It was started to create & spread more joy from the Niche Anime that it brings naturally. QuoteTheAnime strives to provide the most enthusiastic, interesting, creative, and exciting content that provides inspiration to Anime Lovers, which is truly the reason why we watch anime in the first place.


Our Blog will feature the best Anime Quotes, Wallpapers, and curated & creative content. We will feature everything from Anime news, to Anime Theories. We like to focus on Anime Motivation and the positivity Anime brings therefore we can spread more joy and amazing-ness that Anime truly offers us in the first place.

How We Started

Our site was started by our Founder Ernie Mehra you can see him on our Team page of course. He’s a massive Anime Enthusiast specifically because it carried him through hard times. In fact, he became the #1 salesman in one of his previous companies that he worked for, and he credits Anime for a lot of his motivation, success and persistence. So he decided to start a site/platform where people could come and find all the different anime that could help others survive, suceed and anything and everything else they love anime for.

You can Get in touch with us here.

You can check out our Team here.